Restricted scapular mobility during arm abduction : Implications for impingement syndrome

Published online: Feb 27 2009

Hakan Atalar, Cengiz Yilmaz, Onur Polat, Hakan Selek, Ismail Uras, Burcu Yanik

From Fatih University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey


Scapular mobility plays a central role in normal shoulder function, and alterations in scapular mobility have been suggested as a factor in impingement syndrome. We therefore measured the effect of restricted scapular mobility during arm abduction on acromiohumeral and coracohumeral distances. For the control measurements, healthy volunteers (n = 10, all male, age range 25-35 years) underwent multislice computed tomography in a supine position, with the humerus actively maintained in the scapular plane at 45° internal rotation and 60, 90 or 120° abduction. To restrict scapular mobility a custom-made brace was then placed on each volunteer and fastened firmly with bandages, and the measurements were repeated. From the three-dimensional images the acromiohumeral and coracohumeral distances were measured. With the humerus in 90° abduction, the acromiohumeral distance was significantly reduced (Student's t test). This result suggests that impingement syndrome may have a functional component.